Men on the Path to Love
Men on the Path to Love
Relationship coach Bill Simpson offers stories and wisdom, to inspire men be the best version of themselves in relationship and live the life they love.
Bill Simpson

BONUS: Conversation with Vulnerability Coach and author Ryan Kopyar

S2 E31 • Apr 29, 2024 • 30 mins

In this episode, you'll hear my conversation with Vulnerability Coach and author of the book _Big Boys DO Cry_  Ryan "The Life-Changer" Kopyar. We discuss the power of being vulnerable as a man, what that looks like, and so much more. Check out the BONUS episode _Conversation with Vulnerability Coach Ryan Kopyar_.

Key Points

  • Ryan Copier's personal journey from suppressing emotions to embracing vulnerability demonstrates that healing and growth are possible, and that it's never too late to start the process of self-improvement.
  • Creating a safe space for men to express their emotions is crucial, as it allows them to remove their societal masks, confront and release trauma, and develop a deeper connection with themselves and their loved ones.
  • Vulnerability in men is more than just crying; it involves open communication about feelings, which not only fosters personal growth but is also key to fulfilling relationships and is what partners often desire from them.

Check out Ryan's website where you can reach him and get your autographed copy of his book Big Boys DO Cry

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